Monday, April 27, 2020

A Cant-Mess-It-Up Checklist For Your Very First Year of Full-Time Entrepreneurship - When I Grow Up

A Can’t-Mess-It-Up Checklist For Your Very First Year of Full-Time Entrepreneurship - When I Grow Up In the midst of your very first year as a Woman of the World (which is what I call being a full-time entrepreneur)? Gearing up to become a Woman of the World this year or next? Here’s a simple, bare-necessities, can’t-mess-it-up checklist to take over the world as a new/soon-to-be Woman of the World, and if anyone tells you that you *have* to have anything else, they’re wrong: A website that does the selling for you. No, it doesn’t have to come with all the bells and whistles! But, it does need to make it clear who you are, what you do and for whom! Be sure to add a way for folks to contact you, and you’re golden. This is also a forward-facing tool where you can implement your personality and infuse brand elements like colors, fonts, photos, yada-yada!   (In fact, I have a cute little cheat-sheet to fantastic website-making right here! Go nuts.) Business cards/swag/or mementos to hand out to the universe. It’s so important to have something to leave someone with when you’ve sparked their interest in what you do! Business cards are still standard, but I’ve been to conferences recently where people passed out business tattoos, pencils, post-it notes, and pins â€" so don’t be afraid to get creative! (This is especially fun if you’re a product-based business, incorporating your own logo and brand into the types of products you offer!) One product or service to offer (and the who, what, and why behind it!) When I started When I Grow Up in 2008, there was only one thing you could buy from me: 12 one-on-one coaching sessions. I didn’t add another offering (even an ebook!) ’til 2010, and it allowed me to make my effective escape from my soul-sucking day job. One offer is all you need to officially launch your business, and the experience, growth, insight, and feedback you receive from that will shape all future offers to come! (Having trouble nailing down your offer specifics? Let’s sort you out!)   A way to track your income and expenses, (especially if finances aren’t your thing!) The tax man always comes knocking, and while you don’t need to be incorporated in order to start making money (I didn’t become an LLC ’til 2010, although I started getting paid for my coaching in 2008), you do need to keep good records as to what’s going in and what’s going out for your business â€" especially because there’s so much you can write off! Plus, having an eye on your real numbers will affect business decision-making moments as you grow. An About page or bio that shows off your background, experience, personality, appearance, and why someone would wanna work with you. Resumes are for traditional jobs, and nobody that’s gonna hire you or buy your product is gonna ask for your resume. Instead, your bio is your calling card, and a way to make a killer first impression and answer the “But is she qualified?” and “What would she be like to work with?” questions. Don’t forget the photo and your last name, to make an even better connection with the reader! (Psst! More bio-writing tips and tricks here and how-to-write-your-about-page-in-under-an-hour goodness here!) A newsletter list + a monthly newsletter. I am so not one to say you have to join every social media platform or that you must blog or whatnot…but a newsletter list is a must-have. Just think: a way for people to raise their hand and say, “Yes! I wanna hear what you have to say! Please let me know when that is!” Who are you to deny them your amazeballsness, or leave it up to the algorithm gods when it comes to whether they see your social media post…and who are you to deny your business the chance to work with the people who resonate with what you’re offering? (Read on for newsletter topic ideas, timelines, and more!) Once you have that squared away, you’ll need… A newsletter opt-in or freebie for all newsletter subscribers! These are your VIPs and you want to take care of them! Show some love (and a taste of all the goodness to come from working with you) by offering up something of value off the bat. This is the fastest way to establish trust and expertise with new potential clients. To learn more about what I mean, follow my A Can’t-Mess-It-Up Guide to Crafting Your Newsletter Opt-In. A supportive, like-minded community. I built my business solely online, meeting my “tribe” via blogging and tweeting. That was back in the late 2000’s, and if I had the mastermind-y accountability groups that are de rigueur now, I know my growth would’ve absolutely have been accelerated. Sure, you can have a successful business solo â€" but where’s the fun in that? A price that actually makes you money. You might be a newbie, but it doesn’t mean you have to give away the farm. Make sure to mark up your product or service enough to be paid for your time and expertise. When I first started coaching and had zero experience, I worked with 5 clients for free (because I needed that for my certification), and then charged $25/session until I graduated. After graduation, I charged $75/session…and have increased my pricing from there pretty steadily, charging $800/session over a decade later. If I only worked with “guinea pigs” or kept my $25/session rate for more than a few months, I’d have to pull the Plan B emergency cord for sure. (Don’t know where to start? Walk through pricing your offers, step by step!) . The commitment to pitch yourself and your work at least 10 x a month. That’s only 2 times a week! And, it can look like almost anything â€" from introducing yourself to someone in your industry at a party, to emailing your aunt’s friend who you happen to know is looking for exactly what you’re offering, to reaching out to your college roommate who has a successful like-minded podcast. The hard truth is no one is going to tell people about your new business as well or with as much investment as you are, so get yourself out there! At least one social media channel dedicated to your biz. To make it easy, pick the place you feel most likely to connect with your audience! If you were buying what you’re selling, where would you look for it? Instagram? Pinterest? Twitter? Once you’ve identified a platform that makes you feel groovy, commit to posting 3-ish times a week. By putting yourself out there online, you’re letting your prospective customers know “Hey! I’m a real person!”, giving them the opportunity to connect with your whole deal (work, style, perspective, POV) and fall in love with you even more. And lastly, craft a good elevator pitch, so you have a bullet-proof impressive response when you get the dreaded question, “So… what do you do?” A fast and easy way to come up with yours? Fill in these blanks! “I’m a ______ who helps/works with _______ to (do) _______.”   Seriously â€" that’s it! The most important thing I can remind you of is that you’re looking for Phase 1 of your business: the bare minimum you need to get your name out there and start working! Everything else can come later â€" blogs, webinars , LLC status, and workbooks galore. But for now? Stick to what’s above and you’ll be claiming your Woman of the World crown right quick! If you’ve reached the bottom of this page and you’re thinking, “Geez… I feel like I CAN mess up this Can’t-Mess-It-Up Checklist…”, I can help! In fact, one sure-fire way to tackle your First Year of Entrepreneurship is to  Start Here! My programs will meet you where you are in your business-building journey, and together, we can get allll of the aforementioned sorted out. It really can be that clear (and oh so good)!

Friday, April 17, 2020

The Little-Known Secrets to Writing Resume in First Person

The Little-Known Secrets to Writing Resume in First Person Writing Resume in First Person and Writing Resume in First Person - The Perfect Combination Utilizing third-person writing can produce a huge difference in giving your essay the perfect tone. When writing a novel, authors should consider the type of tone they wish to portray before choosing which point of view they wish to use. Men and women approach essay writing in so many distinct ways. Excellent writing demands consistency in reference. To seem beautiful, you ought to be feeling fresh. Not just within the home, but in the schools too, it's essential to keep a good hygiene condition. The majority of when folks talk about themselves, they speak in the very first individual. Most people don't have any issue writing in the very first person viewpoint. Whispered Writing Resume in First Person Secrets Employers and recruiters are extremely busy people and expect to read a specific amount of content based on the kind of job they are hiring for. Job seekers often gravitate towards using first-person pronouns in their private profile. Before you write your full personal info, it's needed that you understand what you will do. Resumes never ought to be written in third individual. Whispered Writing Resume in First Person Secrets Given their tenure at work, job seekers over 40 are more inclined to provide a great deal of specific accomplishments. Minimum wage an hourly wage floor determined by the media have a price tag, but they appear to occur. It's apparent he understands the business ramifications of a strong superior program. Personal experience can play an extremely beneficial part in your philosophy papers, provided that you always explain to the reader the way the experience is connected to your argument. The Debate Over Writing Resume in First Person For the large part, biographies have a tendency to use the very first person point of view to inform the story. Write the story com pletely from your viewpoint, or from the standpoint of the character who's narrating the story. Writing the story from the point of view of your principal character can help you feel who they are better.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Top Choices of Resume Writing Service Guelph

Top Choices of Resume Writing Service Guelph Resume Writing Service Guelph - Dead or Alive? My intention is to make an unbiased evaluation of a number of the top resume writing companies by checking out reviews from different clients and making a purchase to personally check the caliber of service they supply. If you cannot locate a review on a specific company you want to know more about, I advise that you take a peek at our top rated resume writing services and pick one from the list. If you're looking for a higher-end company, please see the top 10 list mentioned previously. The website should explain fees and supply you with a great idea of the way the service works. First impressions matter, which is the reason why the best resume writing services might be enormous asset for you. Bottom Line If you enjoy securing a discount, Resume Writing Service is among the best resume writing services to think about. The service employs an individual approach for writing all kinds o f personalized documents, including cover letters and other kinds of employment-related correspondence. Our website is just one of the most appropriate for essay help. What all you will need is getting the assistance from a specialist and EssaysChief is going to be the expert that you seek out. You'll be surrounded by writing professionals throughout the plan of order placement, and after you choose to purchase essay and select an allocated writer, things are likely to get even more exciting. You don't need to be concerned about having a resume writer who's unaware of the role that you're applying for. The actual men and women highly praise our essay help site. What You Should Do to Find Out About Resume Writing Service Guelph Before You're Left Behind Resumes Planet Review If you desire an organization that has good resume writing services reviews, Resumes Planet may be a good choice to consider. In case you haven't been trying to find a new job in a couple of years, read it. Bottom Line If you're looking for top rated resume writing services, Careers Booster is definitely an institution to consider. One other great thing which makes Resume Writing Service one of the very best rated resume writing services is they frequently offer discounts.